* BAL for points inquiry.
* ITEMS for list of rewards.
* DISCOUNTS for list of benefits.
* REDEEM ITEM CODE PIN for redemption.
* SHARE POINTS 10-DIGIT MOBILE# PIN for points transfer (P1 per transfer).
* END for deactivation of program membership.
Reward categories and corresponding keywords:
* Globe Products: GLOBE
* Gadgets: GADGETS
* Shopping: SHOPPING
* PAL Miles: MILES
* Lifestyle and Entertainment: LIFESTYLE
To view the items in each category , text ITEM
GLOBE PRODUCTS and their corresponding keywords:
* IDDSuki 20 = IDD20 (20 pts.)
* IDDSuki 30 = IDD30 (30 pts.)
* Immortal Call = CALL15 (15 pts.)
* UnliTxt20 = UNLI20 (20 pts.)
* UnliTxt40 = UNLI40 (40 pts.)
* UnliTxt80 = UNLI80 (80 pts.)
* SuperUnli = SUPERUNLI (150 pts.)
To redeem, text REDEEM
GLOBE GADGETS and their corresponding keywords:
* 4GB USB = USB (600 pts.)
* Nokia 2330 = N2330 (3175 pts.)
* Nokia 2220 = N2220 (3375 pts.)
* Nokia 5130 = N5130 (5200 pts.)
* Devant Portable DVD = DVD (5950 pts.)
* WOW Magic Sing Fiesta 2010 = WOW (6500 pts.)
* iPod 4GB = IPOD (8150 pts.)
* Canon Digital Camera A490 = CAM (8400 pts.)
* Nintendo DSi = DS (10425 pts.)
* 19" LCD TV = TV (11125 pts.)
To redeem, text REDEEM
GLOBE SHOPPING gift certificates and their corresponding keywords:
* Jollibee GC P500 = JOLLIBEE (600 pts.)
* Sodeko GC P500 = GC500 (600 pts.)
* Sodeko GC P1000 = GC1000 (1125 pts.)
* Sodeko GC P2000 = GC2000 (2125 pts.)
* Sodeko GC P3000 = GC3000 (3150 pts.)
* Sodeko GC P5000 = GC5000 (5150 pts.)
* Duty Free GC USD100 = DUTY (5150 pts.)
To redeem, text REDEEM
PAL Miles and their corresponding keywords:
* Cebu = CEB (5875 pts.)
* Kalibo = KAL (5875 pts.)
* Puerto Princesa, Palawan = PPS (5875 pts.)
* Hong Kong = HK (10900 pts.)
* Macau = MCU (10900 pts.)
* Bangkok = BKK (14500 pts)
* Singapore = SNG (14500 pts.)
* Tokyo = JPY (14500 pts.)
* Melbourne/Sydney = AUS (28900 pts.)
* San Francisco = SFO (43300 pts.)
* Los Angeles = LAX (43300 pts.)
To redeem, text REDEEM
LIFESTYLE (Lifestyle and Entertainment) Rewards and their corresponding keywords.
* Ayala Cinemas Passes for 4 = CINEMA (600 pts.)
* Avilon Zoo Passes for 4 = ZOO (900 pts.)
* Centerstage Passes = KTV (1025 pts.)
* Enchanted Kingdom Passes for 3 = EK (1325 pts.)
* Manila Ocean Park Passes for 4 = PARK (1525 pts.)
To redeem, text REDEEM